EZB (Instructions in English)

Modified on Fri, 30 Sep, 2022 at 4:05 AM

Use these instructions to manually export your holdings files from EZB for BrowZine.

1) Login to the EZB and under the "Statistik" heading in the left-hand column, choose "Titelliste erzeugen" as shown:

2) Within the "Statistik" area choose the first link, "Zum EZB Export-Tool, um Titellisten in verschiedenen Export-Formaten abzurufen":

3) Choose the format header for "SFX-Ausgabe (CSV)" style and then the fourth choice "Daten allen freien und lizenzierten Zeitschriften (inklusive bibliographischer Zeiträume)" and export the list:

With the CSV downloaded, please ZIP the file to compress it and then upload it to us via this website:


If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]