Deploy Edge Enterprise Using Jamf
First, you must deploy Microsoft Edge Enterprise onto your computers. If you're interested in seeing an example step-by-step approach that Third Iron has taken, click here.
Configure LibKey Nomad for Deployment
Part 1: Log in to your Jamf Dashboard @
Part 2: Configure Jamf LibKey Nomad Deployment
- On the left side of the screen click on "Computers"
- Under "Content Management" click on "Configuration Profiles"
- Click on "+ New"
- Under "General", name the Profile "Microsoft Edge - Deploy Nomad"
- Click on "Application & Custom Settings" under the "Options" section
- Then click on "Upload"
- Click on "+ Add"
- Under "Preference Domain" type: ""
- Under "Property List" enter the following script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>ExtensionInstallForcelist</key> <array> <string>aegommgkkknipcpebmcbepdapjdojiji</string> </array> </dict> </plist>

Part 3: Configure LibKeyNomad Preferences
- Under "Content Management" click on "Configuration Profiles"
- Click on "+ New"
- Under "General", name the Profile "Microsoft Edge - Nomad Preferences"
- Click on "Application & Custom Settings" under the "Options" section
- Then click on "Upload"
- Click on "+ Add"
- Under "Preference Domain" type: ""
- Under "Property List" enter the following script:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>libraryId</key> <string>INSERT-LIBRARY-ID-HERE</string> <key>buttonPlacement</key> <string>bottomLeft</string> </dict> </plist>
Via BrowZine: Log in to BrowZine. Your Third Iron ID is the number in your library's BrowZine URL:
Via Log in to Your Third Iron ID is the number in your library's LibKey URL:
10. You may optionally change the value of buttonPlacement from the default of "bottomLeft" to "bottomRight" if you would like to change the position of the LibKey Nomad Button whenever it appears on screen - (Note: This value is case sensitive)

Deploy Jamf Changes
At this point, based on your Jamf Check-In Frequency settings, devices will now have Edge deployed, LibKey Nomad deployed, and the LibKey Nomad Preference settings deployed. Typical default Jamf Check-In Frequency settings are either 15 minutes, or once per day. Please allow the appropriate time that your organization has set to be able to see the deployments take effect.