Our three sources of data for retractions are RetractionWatch.com, CrossRef's Crossmark service and PubMed's data.
Users who click through to view a retracted article from one of our services (or who directly look one up in LibKey.io) will see an alternate version of our LibKey Format Chooser landing page noting the retraction and providing some additional details:
Depending on the article and the source of our retraction data you can expect to see one or more of the following additional elements on a retracted article:
Official Retraction Notice(s) - Link(s) to the publisher where you can see the publisher's statement about the article being retracted and any additional information they have provided.
Retraction Watch Related Article(s) - For retractions coming from Retraction Watch we may have links to articles on the RetractionWatch.com website where additional context is provided about this particular retraction or authors/publications/publishers related to it.
Reason for Retraction from Retraction Watch - For retractions coming from Retraction Watch we provide the specific reasons noted by the Retraction Watch team why an article was retracted. Not all retractions are "bad" — some are data mistakes brought by the authors requesting a publisher to retract their article so that others do not utilize the paper in their own work when it is faulty. Others however note fraudulent data, fake peer review, plagiarism and more!
Retractions coming from Crossmark or PubMed will not show the data specific to Retraction Watch but will still highlight the retraction and link to the publisher's retraction notice.
Retractions appear throughout the BrowZine and LibKey ecosystem in various ways, bringing to light at the linking stage of a user's journey when an article that may be of interest has been retracted and why.