Publishers Supported by LibKey Direct To PDF linking

Modified on Thu, 1 Jun, 2023 at 9:47 AM

BrowZine now supports LibKey Direct To PDF linking via as well as the Third Iron API and LibKey Services.  Support for this feature is based on compatible publisher hosting technology.  Below is a partial list of publishers that are supported by this feature with numerous smaller publishers also supported but not individually listed here.  Put together, over 10,000+ titles are supported by this technology.

  • AAA (American Accounting Association)
  • AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
  • Academy of Management
  • ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
  • ACS (American Chemical Society)
  • AHA Journals
  • AIP (American Institute of Physics)
  • American Academy of Periodontology
  • American Economic Association
  • American Marketing Association
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • American Phytopathological Society
  • Annual Reviews
  • APS (American Physiological Society)
  • ASCB (American Society for Cell Biology)
  • ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
  • ATS Journals
  • Berghahn Journals
  • BioOne
  • BioMed Central
  • Bone and Joint Journal (UK)
  • Brepols
  • Cambridge
  • Canadian Science Press (NRC Research Press)
  • DeGruyter
  • Edinburgh University Press
  • Elsevier (Science Direct)
  • Emerald
  • FASEB (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)
  • Future Science Group
  • Guilford
  • Health Affairs
  • Hindawi
  • Hogrefe
  • IEEE
  • Informs
  • IOP (Institute of Physics)
  • JSTOR* (platform)
  • Liverpool University Press
  • LWW titles via OVID
  • Manchester University Press
  • Mary Ann Liebert
  • Mark Allen Group
  • MIT Press
  • MLA Journals
  • New England Journal of Medicine
  • Oxford
  • OVID (platform)
  • Portland Press
  • Project Muse* (platform)
  • RCNi
  • RCS England
  • Royal Society Publishing
  • RSNA
  • SAGE
  • Science (AAAS)
  • Sciendo
  • SPIE
  • Springer
  • Taylor & Francis
  • Thieme
  • University of Chicago Press
  • University of Toronto Press
  • Wiley
  • World Scientific
* - Content on Project Muse and JSTOR with DOIs and metadata being registered by Project Muse is supported. Aggregated content may or may not be supported depending on several factors.