ProQuest Custom Link
To ensure the Custom Link icon shows on the search results page, you must also check the box at the bottom of the Custom Link resolver settings: “Show this link on the results page”
Please also note that any changes you make will only go into effect once you have started a new search interface session. If you are already logged in when making the change it will not reflect until you logout and log back into the search interface.
Here is the hosted icon URL for the custom icon with text that we have created for your use. Simply paste in the image url below into the custom icon field: is an example of how the record will look with the icon in place:

When you add your LibKey Link base url as a new Customlink in EDS, there is also an option to include a Customlink icon. EDS requires the icon only, and will automatically place text that says "Get Full-Text" beside it.
Here is a hosted icon URL for the custom icon that we have created for your use, which meets the size specifications set by EDS.
Here is an example of how the record will look with the icon in place: