My Articles is a feature which allows you to save articles you find on the Web, iOS or Android versions of BrowZine into one or many collections within My Articles. These collections then sync across all of the devices you are using via your BrowZine Account.
The iOS and Android versions of BrowZine have the additional feature of being able to save full text PDF's for offline reading. Due to subscription content license limitations, BrowZine Web does not have this ability, but instead provides one-click access to the full-text content for the user who can download the article to their computer for safe keeping and offline use.
Articles within the collections can be deleted, copied and moved to other collections and new collections can be created or deleted as well. Regardless of the device used for these operations, all changes are reflected within seconds across all devices (provided an internet connection is available).
Using My Articles on BrowZine Web
To get started using My Articles, simply find an article you are interested in and click the folder icon below it to save it to My Articles:
You will then be shown a menu where you can choose which collection(s) you wish to save it.
Note: if you are not currently signed in with your BrowZine Account, you will first be asked to sign into (or create) your BrowZine Account and will then be returned to the "add article" screen.
By default, the "General" collection is always selected and every user has one. The "General" collection can be renamed to whatever the user would like, but cannot be deleted as it acts as the default collection.
You can also create a new collection when saving an article (and save the article to that collection) using the "Add Collection" option at the bottom of the list. You may need to scroll to see it depending on the number of collections you have.
Once saved, the article, in expanded form, will always note which collection(s) the article is saved in the for the user and will provide a quick link directly to that collection.
You can also click on the tab at the top of the screen for "My Articles" at any time to view the various collections you have and the articles they contain.
All of the same options on each article are visible using the expand arrow just like they were in the tables of contents for each journal. You can delete articles here by clicking on the "x" in the top right of each article row. A confirmation screen will appear confirming that you want to do this.
On the left you can also see all of your available collections and the number of articles they contain. You can also delete the collections here (except for the general collection, which cannot be deleted). At the end of the list of collections, you can click the button to "Create a New Collection" (just as when adding an article to a collection via the tables of contents screen).
You can rename a collection by choosing the pencil icon near the name of the collection
... as well as sort the articles by either the date the user added them to the collection or by the name of the journal, thereby grouping all articles from the same journal together within that collection.
Clicking the article title (in blue below) brings you to the full text page at the publisher's site. You can also click on the journal cover and/or name of the journal (in red below) to be brought to the most current issue available at your library. You can also click on the specific issue that the article is from (in green below) to load that issue as well.
Using My Articles on iOS
Saving articles to My Articles on an iOS device is simple. First, a user taps an article to download and view it and then if they want to save it to a collection they can choose that option in the export menu:
In the My Articles tab you can see all available collections the user has along with the number of articles saved in each collection:
You can add new collections by clicking on the "+" icon in the top left and you can use the Edit button in the top right to delete those collections and all the articles they contain.
Within each collection, you have similar options to that of BrowZine Web in that you can sort by Date Added or Journal, and tap through each article to get to full text. You can also tap on the journal cover to get to the most current table of contents available at your library.
Unique to iOS and Android, you will notice that some articles may have a paperclip icon next to the article. This indicates that those articles are available for off-line reading.
Articles saved into My Articles on the iOS device automatically get this paperclip icon and are available offline. However, articles that were saved on another mobile device or BrowZine Web will only have the citation as the full text is NOT synched across the web for publisher license reasons. If you do want the full text available for offline reading, simply click to download and view the article. You will not need to save the article again since it is already in My Articles and thus the next time you view the article within the collection you will notice the paperclip has been added automatically and is now available for offline reading.
By tapping the edit button in the top right the user can do a number of different actions to organize their collection including renaming the collection, and singly or in bulk deleting, copying or moving articles from one collection to another. Remember that any organizational changes made on this device will also be reflected on all other devices utilizing the same BrowZine Account.
Using My Articles on Android
Saving to My Articles on an Android device is simple. After choosing and downloading an article in the app, tap the options icon to the top right. "Save to My Articles" will be among the options shown.
The user will then have the option to save it in any collections they have created.
In the My Articles area you can see all available collections the user has along with the number of articles saved in each collection. By tapping the options button in the top right, users can add new collections or delete existing ones.
Within each collection, there are similar options to that of BrowZine Web and the collection view. By tapping the options button in the top right, users can re-sort by Date Added or Journal and perform a number of different actions to organize their collection including deleting, copying or moving articles from one collection to another. You can also tap on the journal cover to get to the most current table of contents available at your library.

Unique to iOS and Android, you will notice that some articles have a paperclip icon next to the article. This indicates that those articles are available for off-line reading.
Articles saved into My Articles automatically get this paperclip icon and are available offline. Articles that were saved on BrowZine Web will only have the citation as the full text is NOT synced across the web for publisher license reasons.

My Articles FAQ
Is there a maximum number of articles that can be saved in My Articles?
There is currently a maximum of 500 articles though this number may increase in the future.